Tuesday 1 April 2008

PRWG workshop at the EBM in Delft

In AEGEE, one of the best ways of advertising our events and activities is through publications, such as Key to Europe, One Europe Magazine, News Bulletin…, amongst others. Therefore, due to the importance of publications in AEGEE, a workshop was held at EBM Delft about publications, with the title “Evaluate it, Shape it, Make it – Publications in AEGEE”.

During this workshop we discussed the production cycle of a publication, since the first open all for the editorial team until the final distribution of publications. From this discussion two main problems raised: transportation and printing, both of them coming, actually, from the money problem. Printing the publications in different printing houses or printing everything in one printing house can be a way out to solving money issues.

During this first discussion, some ideas and suggestions were made on how to improve publications in AEGEE and their visibility. Publications are not well known among AEGEE members, it takes too much time for them to reach the targeted members and the target group of each publication is not always clearly defined.

On the second part of the workshop, participants brainstormed about what an ideal publication should consist in, taking into considerations a separation between internal and external publications. We then continued with 3 ideas of publications, of which extracted one, we defined its target group, the means of reaching it (using IT technologies, such as PDF, Newsletters, websites and Videos, etc.), its content and objectives.

As a final result from this workshop, the main idea is that publications do need to be restructured and stated clearer why they are created, thus, another workshop on improving publications is needed, as participants definitely showed interest on it.

If you want to read more about the PRWG workshop in Delft, you can find the detailed minutes on our mailing list PRWG-L!! Or you can simply join our future workshops on publications … maybe in Ljubljana … who knows??

Jorge Reis (IT Responsible of PRWG)
Leader of the workshop

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