Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Update: PRWG SU Award

Hello again,

some time ago, we announced our PRWG SU Award on this blog. We are happy to inform you that so far we have five contestants willing to invest time and energy in creative, innovative and convincing promotion and communication (not only) Web 2.0 activities for their SU.

The bold locals are:

*AEGEE-Catania & AEGEE-Cagliari
*AEGEE-Las Palmas
*AEGEE-Agrigento & AEGEE-Palermo

In case you would like to take part with your SU as well, simply send us an e-mail to prwg_board[at]aegee.org indicating you local, dates and name of your SU until Sunday, June 13th. We are looking forward to your ideas and are curious who will receive our goblet at Agora Istanbul!

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