Tuesday 25 November 2008

Postponing of elections of PRWG

The first round of the fall elections of the PRWG finished without results. Four positions in total are open: our secretary, our treasurer (half year period), and two general board members (IT&PR and projects). Two brave and motivated candidates applied, however, we were missing a member for the post of the secretary. When a treasurer, a seceratary or a speaker is missing any working group of AEGEE cannot exist according to our statutes.
This is why the election committee (Patrick & Sjuul) and the board of the PRWG (Nadine, Vio, Isa, Gunel, Maria and Jorge) decided together to postpone the fall elections.
On december 2nd, the election committee will open the elections again!
When you are interested in running as a candidate in this elections and you have any questions, feel free to ask the board of the PRWG anytime :-)

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