Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Next "Communicate!"-PR-LTC training in Alicante, 12-14 Dec

The next training for the local level, a so-called PR-LTC "Communicate!", will take place in Alicante from 12th-14th of December! The training aims to equip young Europeans with more competencies in the field of public relations. The training is organised by AEGEE-Alicante and lead my Nuria Gonzales Ortin, member of PRWG.
"Communicate" in the the calendar of events on aegee.org:http://www.karl.aegee.org/calendar.nsf/EventuallyEdi/C7597DC93B3AEE23C1257501000C83BC?OpenDocument"
Application deadline is december 3rd! Please note that this training course is held in spanish and you need to know spanish on an advanced level to participate!
Event homepage:http://www.aegeealicante.org/comunicadic08
"Communicate!"-package for download: www.wg.aegee.org/prwg --> activities
We wish all who are participating and organising this event some wonderful days full of pr-spirit and entusiasm! :-)

Key To Europe: team selected!

The work on the new "Key to Europe" started! The team was selected by the CD, the editor-in-chief, Veronika Zagar and the PRWG. We received 28 applications (!) for all positions! All accepted applicants have been informed and have been subscribed to the main mailinglist, the Key-L. Thanks to all applications we received!
The next edition of the Key to Europe - AEGEE's yearbook, will be available at the Agora Magusa in Spring 2009. Good luck to the team! :-)

Postponing of elections of PRWG

The first round of the fall elections of the PRWG finished without results. Four positions in total are open: our secretary, our treasurer (half year period), and two general board members (IT&PR and projects). Two brave and motivated candidates applied, however, we were missing a member for the post of the secretary. When a treasurer, a seceratary or a speaker is missing any working group of AEGEE cannot exist according to our statutes.
This is why the election committee (Patrick & Sjuul) and the board of the PRWG (Nadine, Vio, Isa, Gunel, Maria and Jorge) decided together to postpone the fall elections.
On december 2nd, the election committee will open the elections again!
When you are interested in running as a candidate in this elections and you have any questions, feel free to ask the board of the PRWG anytime :-)

Shoud out loud! - training with support from European Youth Press

Letizia Gambini from the board of the European Youth Press (www.youthpress.org) joins the team of "Shoud out loud! - Training for creativity and communication for Youth NGO's and projects"! The team of the training for advanced communications, Arleta, Basak, Gunilla, Aga and Nadine, welcome her very much! :-) Good luck and good working together!

Monday, 10 November 2008

Working Group Booklet Online

The latest edition of the Working Group Booklet is online available! Surf the webpage of the PRWG (activities) and download your personal issue!
The Working Group Booklet was updated this year and distributed at the Agora in Ljubljana. The last edition was issued in 2004.

Election process Fall 2008 started!

The election process for the Fall elections of the PRWG just started! In total, four new board members are going to be elected! The following positions are open: secretary, treasurer and two general board members. The requirements are simply: you need to be a member of the PRWG and motivated to take a new perspective! More information for intersted members are on PRWG-L or ask your board :-)

NWM Toulouse: PRWG at AEGEE-Café & Workshop

When you are planning to attend the NetWorkMeeting in Toulouse from 20-23 of November, you have the pleasure to enjoy PRWG experienced members there!
Laure Onidi (former president of AEGEE-Europe & PRWG member) will be present during the AEGEE-Café there and will answer all your questions! Oana Angel will lead the workshop about public relations! We wish all participants a wonderful and inspiring meeting in Toulouse!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Youth in Action application submitted

For the 1st of November deadline of the Youth in Action programme, an application for an advanced training on public relations was submitted. The training "Shoud out loud!- Communication and creativity for youth NGO and projects in Europe" will take place next year in March in the wonderful city of Krakow! Thanks goes to all the partners for submitting partnershipforms, to the great team of AEGEE-Krakow for preparing and translating the application and especially to the organising team of the training, in particular thanks to Basak Tuzun for her amazing effort! Good luck for a successful approval and good luck for the preparations of the training course!