Sunday, 15 March 2009

No Logo-Proposal from AEGEE-Europe for Agora Magusa

We are glad to hear that AEGEE-Europe did not handed in a proposal on the logo-change for AEGEE. The deadline was March 12th and this information was shared with us last friday. PRWG-board expressed its concerns towards a possible proposal few weeks ago.
The feedback process is not finished yet and it makes sense to take all concerns and feedback from the network to support the process towards an improved visual identity of AEGEE.

No workshop application for Spring Agora Magusa

After small discussion about a workshop for the upcoming Spring Agora, the PRWG board decided not to hand in any application. The two premisses as a suitable topic as well as one/two workshop leaders could not be discussed thouroughly and with a satifying result. A certain quality in PRWG workshops would thereby not be guaranteed. We will try to be present as much NWM as possible and hope to hand in again for Agora Kyiv. Hoping for your understanding and see you somewhere in Europe!

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Key to Europe! Coming soon.....

The Key to Europe team is working hard on the next edition of the yearbook of AEGEE, the Key to Europe! The design was choosen and thus it is about putting all together! We are curious for the result and expect the 1st version every day.....:-)
You will get the chance to hold the new Key in your hands at the Agora Magusa or it will reach you with the General Mailing afterwards!

PRWG offered place for the upcoming Agora

As a supportinve body of AEGEE, Public Relations Working Group takes place at the General Assembly of AEGEE. For this GA, PRWG, has two places which can be given to board members, for example. Places which are not taken from the board are usually offered to PRWG members. So we did with a vacant place for the upcoming Agora Magusa. Till the deadline, no one approached us who would have been interested in the place...Well, maybe next time ;-)