Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Don't forget to vote!
candidates have been presented, questions have been asked and answered - now the most exciting part of PRWG board elections is approaching quickly - IT'S ELECTION TIME next week!
As usual, the Juridical Commission will give the starting signal for the voting week, and we would like to ask each and every one of you to submit their votes - we need your support and legitimation!
In case you forgot, here is the candidates:
Verena Haßler - Secretary/HR
Samir Maharramov - General Board Member/IT
Maurits Korse - General Board Member
Happy voting time!
Monday, 23 November 2009
Elections in PRWG - Give yourself a Christmas PResent!
time has come for you again to run and vote for the next board members of your Public Relations Working Group!
PRWG is glad to welcome the support of the Juridical Commission for this election, represented by Mirjam Dickmeis, President of the Juridical Commission of AEGEE-Europe. The board of PRWG would like to express thanks in advance for her support with the upcoming elections!
What are the positions you can run for during this election round?
_Secretary (& HR-PRWG membership management)
_General board member (IT & PR)
_General board member (projects coordinator)
The election procedure will start this week and will be introduced to you by Mirjam. We apologize for the tight timeframe, but we would like to present PRWG's new board before Christmas. We encourage everyone to run for her/his favourite position - why not give yourself a Christmas PResent? :-)
If you are interested in becoming a board member of PRWG, feel free to contact the board for any questions you may have on the positions, tasks and competencies.
Please note that you have to be a member of PRWG in order to candidate and/or cast a vote in this election (being subscribed to PRWG-L is not sufficient).
Looking forward to an exciting election round with many interesting candidatures!
Your board of PRWG
Laura, Gosia, Verena, Fra, Isa and Samir.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
First Results of PRWG Identity Process
and on AEGEE intranet in the PRWG section ("documents -> public -> PRWG materials").
PRWG board will continue the identity process during the next weeks and months together with YOU! We will keep you up-to-date and appreciate your ideas, suggestions and constructive criticism, either via PRWG-L or prwg.board[at]aegee.org.
PRWG board wishes you a splendid weekend!
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
PRWG@ Agora Kyiv
Autumn Agora Kyiv is fast approaching and PRWG will make its mark once again!
First of all, we have the Agora blog, which has become a tradition! Check it out everyday for news and info, because it's an updated source with everything that's happenning! m-eye-agora.blogspot.com.
New posts will be published on the PRWG Group on Facebook, so don't miss our daily messages:)
PRWG Board, represented by its Speaker, Laura Toma will also present its Activity report, keep fingers crossed!
Georg Rehberger, AEGEE Munchen, member of PRWG will candidate for SUCT and we wish him good luck!
PRWG has prepared special presentations of its new projects for the AEGEE Fair!
And of course, the members of the PRWG will be @ all parties!
Monday, 12 October 2009
Working Groups Newsletter Team Complete!
Friday, 9 October 2009
PRWG wants to Wiki!
Andreea Meteleciu-AEGEE Bucuresti and Lina Erzen - AEGEE Ljubljana and AEGEE Nis!
We congratulate them and wish them and the other members of the team: Nadine Karbach, Francesco de Luca and Laura Toma good luck with making this the best PR Wiki:)
Work will start very soon and we will keep all the members of PRWG up-to-date with the development of the PR Wiki!
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Have you always wanted to know how to PRomote things and events really effectively? How to cooperate with media and PaRtners? How to communicate so that you would be listened to?...
If yes, then Public Relations European School is just perfect for you! The Training Course will last between 21 and 29 of November in Leiden, a beautiful town in the Netherlands.
Leave the conventional way of thinking and start leading your thoughts out of the box!
During this training course you will get to know:
* How to develop a PR Strategy?
* Types of media and how to use them
* Designing a sound message for your target audience
* Presentation techniques & body language
* Creative thinking techniques
* Journalism and PR
And of course many more!
How much does it cost?
Accommodation, meals, training materials and social program will be provided for the participation fee being only 60 Euros.
Interested? Don’t wait and APPLY NOW on http://www.aegee-academy.org/es/home.php
You have time only till 9th of October!
More information about the event can be found on the webpage:
We are waiting for YOU! :)
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Knowledge transfer completed :-)
WG boards meeting in Brussels with PRWG!
PRES1 - Youth in Action application handed in

Keep all your fingers crossed! The team around the organisation of PRES1 worked hard and effiecient on an application for the Youth in Action programme! We handed in for the June 1st deadline and these days we are expecting the result of the selection!
Tremendous huge thanks for help and support and motivation go to Sandra Geldmacher (Academy contact person/Secretary), Aga (Speaker Academy), AEGEE-Leiden Crew Matthijs and Gerben, Nadine (PRWG) and Berat (manager)!!Stay tuned for for information and check the webpage regularly --> www.aegee-academy.org :-)) We are looking forward to meet you in Leiden! :-)
Friday, 19 June 2009
New board of Public Relations Working Group!
# our new Speaker: Laura Toma (AEGEE-Bucuresti)
# our new General Board Member (Network&Training): Malgorzata Garbarczyk (AEGEE-Poznan)
# Our new and old Treasurer: Francesco De Luca (AEGEE-Milano)
# And of course our "oldies" Isabell Schroeder (Projects, AEGEE-Passau), Samir Maharramov (IT&PR, AEGEE-Baki) and Verena Hassler (Secretary&HR, AEGEE-Passau)
We would like to thank our outgoing speaker Nadine Karbach and Maria Morozova, outgoing Network&Training, for their tremendous work and everyone who took an active part in the elections!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Great Success: PR Database online! :-)
The database will serve as an interim solution till the new aegee.org/intranet is finally ready to use.
The entire material and its structure will be shifted then towards its new destination.
You can upload your material yourself with an FTP programme or send the material to the PRWG board and we upload it for you.
After a pretty long time and many discussions on where to put the database, how to manage its administration and how to manage the upload, the interim Database solution seems to be an excellent option!
Thanks goes to Isa who was mainly in charge of the project and to Francesco for his IT-knowledge and solutions for the actual implementation! Excellent guys! Well done :-)
CD communication: Communication and Transparency Recovery Package online!
The result is this great Recovery Package containing two pages where the CD clearly elaborates its new communication and transparency working style towards the network.
We are curiously looking forward to the implementation of all these very concrete measures which are mentioned and hope the best for the network and the association!
The Package can be find here:
Results of the survey on the new "aegee.org"
Enjoy reading and happy implementing :-D
Loesje Summercamp on Creativity

This year Loesje Summercamp (www.loesje.org) will take place in Northern Spain, from July 25th till August 8th! You can apply for one or two weeks, the price is around 90€/week and 160€/two weeks. Accomodation and food is covered, travel expanses have to covered by your own.
What's the camp about? The Summercamp will start with creating a program together, with space for everybody to participate and contribute actively.
During daytime workshops, hiking in the surroundings, sunbathing,street actions in the village, during night time organising different parties or other funky happenings, cultural evenings, forest night games and an one-day excursion.
And what else? Drinking cider in the sun, Singing, dancing and storytelling around the bonfire, collective massage activities, kissing underwater contests in the river swimming pool , playing with paper boat in the ponds, following cows and deer in the mountains, catching crickets in the fields…And Loesje creative text writing workshops, of course.
More information you can find on the facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=99275376640
And on www.loesje.org/members. Log in with member - password: IntMem#&);
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Yes, we have a budget!
We will dispose of a total amount of 830 euros to publish the PR Guide, print new flyers and for the Board and Members Meeting.
Unfortunatly t-shirts for our members are not approved, but we will put all our efforts to find a sponsor for them ;-)
PRES1 postponed to Fall 2009

Initially, we wanted to provide you with the training already in May/June 2009. Due to many difficulties, we are now shifting the plans to September this year. The decision was made by the boards of the PRWG and the Academy, which with we are cooperating for our one-week public relations trainings PRES1 and PRES2.
We hope that soon we can provide you with more and good news :-)
Juridical support for Spring board elections!
The elections will start tomorrow and in total we are looking for three new board members: speaker, treasurer and a general board member (network & training). All positions are elected for a one-year period.
We are looking forward to an exciting and successful election procedure :-)
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
PRWG at the Spring Agora Magusa
PR-Material request from AEGEE-Zagreb
Friday, 10 April 2009
Digitalising Publications - Meeting in Enschede!
Maybe you once surfed aegee.org and found the page of AEGEE's publications? They are not complete nor is anyone accessible to read or download. This shortcoming PRWG started fighting! Last year, a couple of old publications, such as old Key to Europe's and old News Bulletin were scanned. Now it is time to work on the scans and make them nicely looking for you :-) Maurits (AEGEE-Enschede/PRES2 Krakow participant) and Nadine (PRWG) met in Enschede to take stock, share duties and agreed on the publish-standard of the scans. Both are convinced that the scans will look awesome when they are ready :-) So, stay tuned for the results! Good luck and many thanks, guys!
PRWG realises M(eye) Agora Blog again!
An open call was issued to call for editors, who contribute actively during the Agora. New this time, we plan to have people responsible writing about specifics slots to guarantee a good level of information throughout the entire Agora for all people of the network who cannot be there.
Key to Europe - published after the Agora!
Monday, 6 April 2009
Agora Magusa - meet Isa and Samir! :-)
Evren - our hero!
Key to Europe - more news!
imPRESsive - PRES2 Krakow
Sunday, 15 March 2009
No Logo-Proposal from AEGEE-Europe for Agora Magusa
The feedback process is not finished yet and it makes sense to take all concerns and feedback from the network to support the process towards an improved visual identity of AEGEE.
No workshop application for Spring Agora Magusa
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Key to Europe! Coming soon.....
You will get the chance to hold the new Key in your hands at the Agora Magusa or it will reach you with the General Mailing afterwards!
PRWG offered place for the upcoming Agora
Monday, 23 February 2009
PRWG. Seriously Creative
PRWG fuels the engine of events in AEGEE. Each event needs its promotion, each project of AEGEE-Europe cannot be done without appropriate dissemination information to the targeted audience. The team of ca. 60 members of PRWG is there for disposal of AEGEE members that want to discover what PR is and make their locals more famous. PRWG supports the whole AEGEE network in everything that concerns PR. This article is a practical guide for AEGEE members who always wanted to ask what PRWG can offer but were afraid to ask. Hopefully, the following will help to make the picture about practical implications of PRWG work more understandable and visible.
Use PR materials, share you ideas!
Ask your PR Subcommie for help!
- Transmitter: One of the major tasks of PRWG apart for CD support and PR on the European level is support to locals. Therefore PRWG stands for better information flow between the local and the European level. For this purpose there are several PR Subcommies responsible for the pool of antennae in their areas. This ensures better understanding of PR situation in locals and ensures prompter response from the European level.
Go to PRES1 or PRES2, learn more about PR or become a trainer!
- Training in Public Relations. PRWG cooperates with AEGEE-Academy in organizing PRES1 and PRES2. In 2009 PRES2 is taking place in March in
PRWG also assists locals in case they decide to organize local trainings. In 2008 PRWG sent its motivated members to train participants of LTC of AEGEE-Budapest and LTC of AEGEE-Torun. It supports graphic design in AEGEE: graphics is a part of ES and PRES, and in 2009 PRWG plans to make a graphic design school!
Moreover, after a successful PR training “Communicate” PRWG decided to supply the Network with all materials from this training so that they can be used by locals at their PR LTCs.
Become a journalist and get famous in AEGEE!
- Publishing House. Indeed, PRWG supports and improves publications in AEGEE (K2E, WG Booklet). Moreover, during Agoras PRWG informs the network about freshest news from the Agora in its Blog (aegeeprwg.blogspot.com).
- Discover CD!
- CD Supporter. PRWG supports CD with regards to publications, visual identity development, better dissemination of information about AEGEE work results within all the Network members and other PR related issues.
Join the Network of PR enthusiasts!
- PR Platform. PRWG is an ideal platform for those AEGEE members that
* have some experience in PR and want to develop it further
* are crazy about promotion and publicity, but do not know much about PR and are eager to learn
* are PR activists in all senses
* want to go on the European level and be involved into PR activities.
Nadine Karbach, current speaker of PRWG describes PRWG in a nutshell as “ Communication – body language – press releases – PR strategy – creative thinking – working with media – publications – spreading messages – visual communication – web 2.0 – external and internal representation: get in touch with various ways of PR!” If these words sound interesting and exciting, do not hesitate to visit www.aegee.org/wg/prwg
Sunday, 22 February 2009
CD statement about logo discussion
Dear all,
Some questions were raised about the process that lead to this proposal and who were involved.In the beginning of 2008, PRWG board of that time and the former CD decided together about some activites in the field of public relations for AEGEE. Some orientation was needed and tasks needed to be shifted after the resignation of the CD member who was in charge of PR that time.
Among these activities was the establishment of a team taking care on the visual identity of AEGEE. Knowing one very enthusiastic member for this task, a call for the team was launched and they - 6 people with diverse backgrounds in AEGEE - started working.
A common email list was created and the team started analysing the status quo of visuals in the network (maybe some boardmembers and project managers remember that they were approached for sending their promotion material they use for promoting their WG/project for analyse purpose). The first version of a report was drawn up, but the team fell apart due to demotivation because of lack of cooperation from the network regarding the analyses and there was no more progress.In summer, CD's changed and I - as announced in my candidature in Ljubljana - was highly motivated to pick up this initiative. I got in touch with Bartek, and together we made some more attempts to revive the team. Without much success, we then decided to narrow the analyses to purely the AEGEE-Europe logo and brand, and made a new plan. A team meeting took place in Gdansk (Bartek, Mateusz and Robin), which was reported on the CD blog and in the telegram. PRWG Board was no longer actively involved at this point, but developments were still reported and moral support for the initiative remained.
In Gdansk, the team decided to focus on designing, as it was convinced that only a clear and concrete proposal could get things moving. After the December holidays things went very fast, we set early deadlines for:1. The EBM, as a good point to start the consultation process on their work2. Necessity to synchronise with the new website, which had to be ready by April, as the website is our main PR tool on European level, and it's not that easy to completely change the look of aegee.org. CD, ITWG, PRWG, the Brand team, the locals and the external partners all have their own pace, and bringing so many factors together is a challenge.During the month of January, we eventually reached to the current proposal, getting a first feedback along the way from different people, thus a kind of pre-test. Designers in and outside AEGEE, active and inactive members, older and younger members, journalists, artists, sponsors, the CD, and PRWG board. Why a smaller group of people and not the whole network? Because 11,000 people cannot design a logo together. It takes a designer with great courage and patience to take on a challenge like this, and be sure that it is not a lot of fun to deal with the criticism of a smaller group, let alone a huge association!
We look forward to a lively discussion and welcome all your constructive feedback through the channels provided (information reach you with a seperate email). No matter what you think of the current proposal, a proper visual identity is very important for our association, and any person contributing to the creative development of our association should be encouraged, supported and thanked. So we hope we can all treat the work done with respect and calmly raise our questions and comments.
Please keep in mind that it is just a proposal, nothing fixed and every kind of constructive feedback is welcome. Of course, decisions of that scale are in the end taken in the highest body our associations has, the Agora.
It is a proposal, not a decision
Budget 2009 submitted!
Lots are the activities planned for the upcoming year, from the Board and Members Meeting to the new PR Guide, through a Publications Meeting and the Digitalization of old Publications.
We hope our budget will be approved completely allowing us to pursue our objectives, so we will keep fingers crossed for that :-)
Friday, 20 February 2009
Participants PRES2 selected!
Monday, 26 January 2009
Finally! - PRWG board archives online
Meet three board members of PRWG at the EBM!
Sunday, 25 January 2009
PRES2 Krakow trainer staff complete!
Arleta Bojke - trainer, manager, Concept Development Team
Basak Tuzun - trainer, tutor, Concept Development Team
Daniel Beke - trainer, tutor
Laure Onidi - trainer, tutor
Nadine Karbach - trainer, case manager, Concept Development Team
Radu Seuche - trainer, tutor
Furthermore, the members of our PRES2 development team (who can unfortunately not be with us in Krakow) and our contact person from AEGEE-Krakow:
Agnieszka Wesołowska - Concept Development Team
Gunilla Friedrichs - Concept Development Team
Letizia Gambini - Concept Development Team
Mirek Krzanik - local coordinator
We are proud and happy to welcome two trainers from the Pool of trainers of the European Youth Forum as well as external trainers from European Youth Press!
All together will work for an unforgettable and high-quality training for the future generation of PR managers for the European level!
Dont miss your chance and apply for these unique opportunity today!
There you will also find much information about your staff team :-)
PRES2 - applications are open!
Read the open call for participants below and APPLY today!
There are 13,000 lobbyists in Brussels -
have you ever wondered how WE can be more POWERFUL than they are?
There are thousands of student organizations in Europe -
have you ever wondered how AEGEE can be more VISIBLE than they are?
There are millions of different media and millions of journalists all over the world - have you ever wondered how YOU can COMMUNICATE SUCCESSFULLY with all of them?
If you had - we know the place where you can learn more about: specifics of PR in youth NGOs, creating professional PR strategies and campaigns, European media relations, web 2.0 communication tools and dissemination of your results.
Simply apply for Public Relations European School 2, training course on advanced public relations for youth NGOs and international projects, and learn how to SHOUT OUT LOUD!
Where? Kraków
When? 21-29.03.2009
Who? 20 participants with at least one year of PR-experience in AEGEE/other
youth NGO, eager to work actively on the European level
How much? 50 € fee; partial travel reimbursement
Programme and applications?
We're waiting for your application till the 10th of February.
Agnieszka ~ Arleta ~ Basak ~ Letizia ~ Gunilla ~ Nadine
PRES2 Concept Development Team
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Open Call
The BRAND NEW PRES2 will take place in Krakow between 21st and 29th of March 2009 (TRAINERS COME ONE DAY EARLIER AND LEAVE ONE DAY LATER). If you are interested in joining the team (being available for all the days required), please send the answers to the following questions till the 15th of January to pres2.2009@googlemail.com :
1) What is your motivation to be a trainer at PRES2 in Krakow?
2) What is your experience as a trainer?
3) Are you willing to tutor a group? What is your experience in that?
4) What's your knowledge and experience in the following fields:
- PR campaigning
- PR in Web 2.0 environment
- Graphic programmes (e.g. InDesign, Quark, Publisher, Scribus, RagTime; eventually movie making programmes)
- Corporate identity
5) How do you see getting participants' active already before the training and encouraging them to stay active afterwards?
We especially look for trainers experienced in abovementioned topics and additionally willing to be a tutor.
We're eagerly looking forward to your applications!
Agnieszka ~ Arleta ~ Basak ~ Letizia ~ Gunilla ~ Nadine
PRES2 Concept Development Team