Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Your board at the Agora in Aachen

PRWG is proud to announce that almost the entire board will be present at the Fall Agora in Aachen 2008! Jorge, Maria, Gunel, Vio and Nadine will be happy to meet you there! See you at the Agora Aachen!

Sunday, 7 September 2008

News Bulletin sent to the printing house!

The new edition of the News Bulletin was sent to the printing house last wednesday noon! It contains 52 (!) pages full of precious informationa, great articles and cool news for you! Are you already curious to hold it in your hands at the Agora? ;-)
For all those who cannot make to the Agora: make sure someone of your friends bring one example for YOU! The online version will be online available soon!

New team member PRES2 concept development team!

The concept development team for the PRES2 welcomes warmly Agnieszka Wesolowska from AEGEE-Krakow as a new team member! Agnieszka is a member of the PRWG and just took part in the last training for trainers from AEGEE.Besides that, she is currently involved in the PR-campaign in the UK. We wish her all the best in the team and a wonderful time there! Congatulations!

Monday, 1 September 2008

PRWG board and members' meeting - - > 29-30 September - - > Cologne

Public Relations Work Group presents:

29-30 September
PRWG board and members' meeting
" See you in Cologne"

- Interesting workshops;
- meeting PR addicts from all over Europe;
- going to AGORA - ALL TOGETHER, etc.

Lodging, food and social programme will be covered by PRWG. There's no participation fee.

All you need to do is REGISTER NOW! ( please, send the registration form to

Come and meet us, be a part of us!!!