Sunday, 24 February 2008

PR subcommies

PRWG is currently working on developing a PR subcommies network. As we believe that sometimes the locals miss news, updates, opportunities, open calls etc., due to several reasons as the English level, technical problems, lack of motivation or others, we have thought this PR subcommies system in order to ensure the information flow between European level and local level. Also we hope that this constant knowledge transfer about PR will help the new people in their upcoming AEGEE activity and open new paths for PR enthusiasts.

PRWG would like to lift some weight off Netcom’s and other bodies’ shoulders that are responsible of the network, while PR subcommies will take the role of fulfilling the need of knowledge and information for all PR matters. And after this system will be successfully implemented, there will be many PR lovers that will be ready to help AEGEE in terms of PR.

PRWG has created a mailing list ( that will gather the PR subcommies in it and will sustain the contact between PRWG, CD and the subcommies. PR subcommies will create lists that will include the PR directors of the locals of their Networks, through which they will ensure the information flow and knowledge transfer from the European level to the local one.
Now PRWG is going to appoint PR Subcommies with the help of the Netcom. The people involved in this task are the PR Subcommies, the Netcom, the CD, the PR directors and all the other PR enthusiasts who would like to get active.

If you are excited about the idea and want to be a part of this small project, feel free to contact us, through the website, through the blog or by email.

Percin Imrek (Network Director of PRWG)

Monday, 18 February 2008

Evaluate it, shape it, make it – Publications in AEGEE !! (EBM WS)

The PRWG will present a workshop at the European Boards Meeting in Delft (February, 28th - March, 2nd) about publications in AEGEE!

You can read here the workshop description in the EBM booklet.

Do you want to change the future appearance of AEGEE? Then take part and adapt AEGEE’s publications to the needs today! Get to know all publications (e.g. Key 2 Europe, One Europe Magazine, News Bulletin and others!), establish proper criteria how to measure their success and finally use them to point out necessary changes so that we ensure best possible information flow inside AEGEE and for AEGEE’s external representation!

Your local and your project can take benefit from powerful AEGEE publications – shape them with us during the workshop :-) The board of the PRWG looks forward to meet all interested participants for shaping AEGEE's publications!

Nadine Karbach (PRWG Speaker)

Key to Europe 2008

The preparation of the 2008 edition of the Key to Europe has started.

It will be a mixture of traditional structure and new elements put together in a professional layout. So be excited and run to get one in Ljubljana.

The team for Key to Europe was selected. Gokhan Bozkurt is now the new Chief-Editor for this year. Among the happy editor of this edition, we have Verena Schmidt, Violeta Joitoiu, Nadine Karbach, Julia Hoffmann, Guleçe Senel, Barteck Kotowicz, Isabell Schroder, Marek Urban, Tika Tsertsvadze, Ramon Martinez, Arleta Bojke, Uygar Kilic, Laure Onidi, Christina Pototska, Maria Nomikou, Burcu Becermen, Sander Kahveciler, Dragan Stojanovski and the SUCT.

As there is not much time left until the upcoming Agora, where the next K2E will be distributed, the whole team is working hard to match the tight timetable. First, everybody introduced himself/herself to the others by mailing list, followed by a hot discussion about the structure, which topics have to be kept in the Key and what needs to be changed. After all, the editor in chief put all ideas together in a working frame.

All tasks are divided among the editorials now, the layout will be done by Uygar Kilic, so time to become creative and start writing!

Stay tuned....

Isabell Schroeder (Publications Responsible)

Cooperation between PRWG and the CD

Unexpected, the attention of the Public Relations Working Group of AEGEE was caught by urgent support for AEGEE-Europe.

New steps and priorities for the PR of AEGEE-Europe needed to be defined for the upcoming months. Together with Laure Onidi, President of AEGEE-Europe and contact person towards the PRWG, we managed to accomplish this task for the satisfaction of all involved. After four weeks of intense communication, we defined a good amount of activities to be started in 2008.

For example:
  • the redefinition of AEGEE's visual identity,
  • the project of translation press releases about multilingualism in AEGEE and research on national media for the distribution,
  • the re-structuration of AEGEE's publications as well as developing methods to make AEGEE's results visible.

We as the PRWG looking forward to these tasks and for a good cooperation withAEGEE-Europe.

Nadine Karbach (PRWG Speaker)

PRWG has a new website !!

After years of rethinking it, we are proud to present you a brand new website:

We are inviting you to:
- find all the information you need about PRWG and PR in AEGEE
- meet the PRWG Board
- read about PRWG's activities
- download PR materials, publications and press releases
- last but not least, keep yourself updated through this blog!!!

Enjoy !!!

Violeta Joitoiu (PRWG Secretary)

Welcome to our blog!

Public Relations Working Group has now a blog!!

We have been dreaming about a blog, we have been planning it for a while and today we are happy to launch it!!

We will be updating it regularly, or every time we know something that needs to be told. You will be finding out from us news about what the PRWG members are working on, AEGEE’s publications, different workshops hosted by us, several PR activities, PR trainings and also external information about PR.

On the same time, we are inviting you to help us develop it, to contribute to it and make the best out of this great working group called PRWG!!

Greetings from your PRWG Board,
Nadine, Violeta, Isabell, Gunilla, Jorge and Percin